2021 Ford Bronco Wins Motor1.com Best Adventure Vehicle


The Motor1.com 2021 Star Awards included two of the most highly rated rugged vehicles from this year: the Ford Bronco and the Ram 1500 TRX. Both of these hotly anticipated off-roaders scored well in their initial testing, and they decided to round them up in one place to compete for the title of Best Adventure Vehicle. While the Bronco and TRX have wildly different missions, there’s no denying that both are capable of getting a group of friends out into the wild for camping, outdoor activities, and some much-needed R&R.

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I fully expect the Bronco Raptor will win the 2022 Best Adventure Vehicle! 😁
I fully expect the Bronco Raptor will win the 2022 Best Adventure Vehicle! 😁
Oh yeah! The Bronco Sasquatch is a super capable machine, but the Bronco Raptor is going to be a beast!