Bronco Raptor Logos and Graphics


Go for Launch!
Founding Member
Sep 16, 2021
Current Ride
2021 Bronco FE
This thread will contain logos and graphics for the new Bronco Raptor. I'm working on new decals & patches for the site.

If anyone has ideas, please let me know!

Bronco Logo:


Ford Raptor Logo:
Hrmm... use the Raptor R in the bronco logo... might look cool.
I like that idea! Maybe the rest of the Bronco letters could be one color and then the Raptor R in the Bronco could be the color Code Orange.
That looks great! That's going to be a really nice badge for our early members to receive.
Ok El Chorizo here you can use whatever color you want. It would look cool added to the background that Supersix is working on.
Please note: This is just an example. My version is corrected to match.

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Ok El Chorizo here you can use whatever color you want. It would look cool added to the background that Supersix is working on.
Please note: This is just an example. Made not to be copied. My version is corrected to match.

View attachment 268View attachment 269
Yes! I like using the Raptor R just like you did there. I think we can work with that!
Good point! Here's another revision.

View attachment 271
So I definitely like the first version with just the R in Bronco up above with the 2 separate words. This here looks like mine that I have at home which I also like alot!
I put a the sample of what I had did (like on here) on for some input. Not to many replied but most just said I needed to fix it. Haha I tried to explain it was just example.
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A few more with a retro design.


So this logo without the "forum" lettering and more rounded edges, much like the founding member badge. Maybe the same coloring as the FM badge or maybe they should both use a more burnt orange/code orange color?
