I started noticing a noise that is hard to explain coming from my front driver tire area. It was like a sputtering/ grinding/ metal rattling in a can noise. It would only do it between 1,200-2,000 rpm’s and when I was in higher gears and feathering the gas to stay up to speed. I did a deep dive online to try and figure out what this could be and after ruling out a lose heat shield and wastegate rattle I finally found a video with someone having the exact same issue on a Raptor truck. These Braptor’s use the IWE vacuum 4WD system like the trucks and typically they make this noise due to a bad check valve. Hopefully that is the problem with it. I watched the YouTube videos of how to replace them on the trucks and it looked extremely simple, but of course these vehicles are not the exact same and where they showed these on the trucks was not the same on mine. I have it at the dealership now and hopefully I hear something soon on it. When I would go from 2H to 4H and then back into 2H the noise would go away until I restarted the vehicle. This helped me in figuring out what the problem was with it as well. I guess it would seal something within the system or up the pressure? I am no expert with the system, but swapping different modes and then the noise goes away helped with diagnosing where it was coming from. I will keep everyone updated with what I hear back. Just figured I would post in case others have this issue at some point. It took me a while to finally get to the bottom of it.