
Middleton Motorsports trying something different, Liftoff is debatable, possible airbag deployment is a concern.
I suspect this hill is much steeper than it appears in this video of an all "White Raptors" gathering at Bull Gap.

I heard the front end hit the ground on that first jump in the snow. OUCH!!!
That would be a hard hit, sounds like they were lucky.

There is definitely risk and danger in jumping, even though some of these appear easy. I'm hoping the Bronco Raptor Off-Roadeo (Assault) course will teach us proper safe liftoffs/jumps.
In viewing these jumps, notice how the Ford Performance media jumps the approach before liftoff has both axles on the same approach angle resulting in what appears as smooth liftoff and landing. In some of these later video's the approach angle is short thereby the front axle is being pushed up and the liftoff appears all good but then the rear axle hits the approach and is pushed upward resulting in the front rapidly nose diving. At slower speed all seems ok, just be aware as we don't want hear of anyone stuffing the landing resulting in a flip.
Yeah, so when is said Bronco Raptor Off-Roadeo? Every time I talk to Kaitlynn she says, "Currently, we still do not have any specific details regarding the Raptor experience." Previously, she has stated that if you burn your one-time roadeo event on a regular Bronco event, then you don't get a Bronco Raptor event.

March would be good for me so I can hit the ground running when the BRaptor shows up in April. Just saying.
That would be a hard hit, sounds like they were lucky.

There is definitely risk and danger in jumping, even though some of these appear easy. I'm hoping the Bronco Raptor Off-Roadeo (Assault) course will teach us proper safe liftoffs/jumps.
In viewing these jumps, notice how the Ford Performance media jumps the approach before liftoff has both axles on the same approach angle resulting in what appears as smooth liftoff and landing. In some of these later video's the approach angle is short thereby the front axle is being pushed up and the liftoff appears all good but then the rear axle hits the approach and is pushed upward resulting in the front rapidly nose diving. At slower speed all seems ok, just be aware as we don't want hear of anyone stuffing the landing resulting in a flip.
Has that Bronco Off Roadeo been scheduled? Did I miss that announcement?
Finally, Middleton Motosports broke a component on their Bronco Raptor. The component that broke may surprise you...

Jumping trucks is never a problem, they all jump great. The issue is landing! Great suspension on the Raptor but no suspension is happy with augering in the front end with a nose in landing. More rolling jumps at speed desert race style. If the jump looks like its from a BMX track, it's not going to end well.
Thats one tough Truck.
We just need Roscoe P chasing us.